He is Professor of Algorithms and Vice-Rector on "Applied Research and Innovation" at the University of Pisa. He leads the Advanced Algorithms and Applications Laboratory (Acube Lab, http://acube.di.unipi.it), at the Department of Computer Science, whose main research activities are devoted to the design, analysis and experimentation of algorithms and data structures for storing, compressing, mining and retrieving information from Big textual collections and labeled graphs. He is also the President of the IT Center of the same University, which is indeed competence center about Cloud and HPC for Dell and Intel, Xeonphi Centre for Intel, and recently Transform Data Center immersion for Microsoft. He (co-)authored more than 120 publications on (refereed) journals and international conferences, 6 US patents (3 accepted and 3 pending, some of them with Yahoo! and Lucent), and various chapters in books edited by CRC press, Springer, Mondadori and Boringhieri. He has been invited speaker and co-chair of prestigious PhD Schools and international conferences either in Theoretical Computer Science on in Information retrieval and Web Search. He is in the Editorial Board of the Journal on Graph Algorithms and Applications. His research has got numerous scientific awards, among the most recent ones: Yahoo Faculty Award (2006-2011) in the context of compressed data structures, and 2 Google Faculty Awards (2010 and 2013) in the context of semantic search and annotation.