Teachers 2014-2015
![]() Valerio ArnaboldiIstituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR
Valerio Arnaboldi holds a PhD in Computer Engineeging from the University of Pisa and he works as a research assistant in the Ubiquitous Internet group, at the institute for informatics and telematics (IIT) of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR). He works in the area of the analysis and characterisation of social structures and information dissemination in Online Social Networks, and on context- and social-aware middleware solutions for Mobile Social Networking applications. During 2013 he worked as a visiting PhD student at the Social and Evolutionary Neuroscience Research Group at the University of Oxford (UK), under the supervision of Prof. Robin I.M. Dunbar. He holds a Bachelor Degree (BSc) and a Master's Degree (Msc) in Computer Science from the University of Insubria - Como and from the University of Milan, respectively. Before joining UI-IIT, he was a research assistant at the neural network laboratory of the University of Milan. He is mainly interested in social network analysis, social relationships modeling and in context- and social-based services for networking solutions on mobile platforms. He is/was involved in the organizing committees of several international conferences and workshops such as IEEE SustaInit 2012/13, IEEE SmartVehicles 2014/15, ACM MobiOpp 2012. He published several papers on international journals and conference proceedings. |
![]() Alessandro BaroniDipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Alessandro Baroni was born in 1984 in Italy, and holds a Master Degree in Business Informatics (Computer Science). He is currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Science. His current research interests are in data mining and particularly in social science. |
![]() Paolo CintiaDipartimento d'Informatica, Università di Pisa
Born in Marsciano(PG), 4th november 1983. Actually i'm a Phd Student in Computer Science at the graduate studies school "G. Galilei" of Pisa. My main interests in researching are about mobility mining and location prediction. In 2006 I got my bachelor degree in Computer Science at university of Perugia, with thesis on "Parallels and distributed algorithms for resolution of propagation equations". In 2009 I got my master degree in Computer Science at university of Pisa, with thesis on "Map matching of gsm tracks with data mining technique" |
![]() Marco CornoltiDipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Research Assistant at the University of Pisa, where he got a Master's Degree and Ph.D. in Computer Science. He is part of the Advanced Algorithms and Applications (Acube Lab) research group. He had collaborations with Google, NEC and the University of Munich. His research interests span across Natural Language Understanding, the semantic representation of text, Information Retrieval and Information Extraction, plus anything in between. |
![]() Luca De BiaseIl Sole 24 Ore
Laureato all’Università Bocconi di Milano, in Discipline economiche e sociali, con la votazione di 110/110 e lode. E' editor di innovazione al Sole 24 Ore e Nova24 (del quale è stato fondatore, che ha guidato dall’ottobre2005 al giugno 2011; e che ha ripreso a guidare dal luglio 2013) e della Vita Nòva, magazine per tablet. E' docente al master di comunicazione della scienza all’Università di Padova e membro del comitato scientifico del master di comunicazione della scienza alla Sissa di Trieste e del master in Big data analytics della Luiss di Roma. E' componente del Tavolo permanente per l’innovazione e l’agenda digitale italiana, 2014, membro della Commissione sulle garanzie, i diritti e i doveri per l’uso di internet, alla Camera dei Deputati, 2014 e membro del comitato scientifico per l’Agenda Digitale in Emilia Romagna, 2014. Nel 2012 ha lavorato con il ministero italiano per lo Sviluppo economico in una task force dedicata a migliorare l’ecosistema delle startup innovative. Nel 2013 è stato membro dell’unità di missione per il Presidente del Consiglio sull’Agenda Digitale italiana. E' membro della Commissione sui Big Data dell’Istituto Nazionale di Statistica. |
![]() Andrea EsuliIstituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Andrea has master in computer science and a phd in information engineering. Since 2011 is a researched at Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "A. Faedo", which is part of the National Research Council (CNR). His research is in Human Language Technologies area, with a focus on Text Classification, Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis. His main topic of interest are statistical machine learning and information retrieval. In 2010 he won the European "Cor Baayen" award as a "promising young researcher in computer science and applied mathematics". |
![]() Paolo FerraginaSteering Committee Member
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
He is Professor of Algorithms and Vice-Rector on "Applied Research and Innovation" at the University of Pisa. He leads the Advanced Algorithms and Applications Laboratory (Acube Lab, http://acube.di.unipi.it), at the Department of Computer Science, whose main research activities are devoted to the design, analysis and experimentation of algorithms and data structures for storing, compressing, mining and retrieving information from Big textual collections and labeled graphs. He is also the President of the IT Center of the same University, which is indeed competence center about Cloud and HPC for Dell and Intel, Xeonphi Centre for Intel, and recently Transform Data Center immersion for Microsoft. He (co-)authored more than 120 publications on (refereed) journals and international conferences, 6 US patents (3 accepted and 3 pending, some of them with Yahoo! and Lucent), and various chapters in books edited by CRC press, Springer, Mondadori and Boringhieri. He has been invited speaker and co-chair of prestigious PhD Schools and international conferences either in Theoretical Computer Science on in Information retrieval and Web Search. He is in the Editorial Board of the Journal on Graph Algorithms and Applications. His research has got numerous scientific awards, among the most recent ones: Yahoo Faculty Award (2006-2011) in the context of compressed data structures, and 2 Google Faculty Awards (2010 and 2013) in the context of semantic search and annotation. |
![]() Lorenzo GabrielliIstituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Lorenzo Gabrielli was born in 1984 in Italy. He graduated in Business Informatics in 2010 at the University of Pisa. He discussed his thesis on Mobility Data Analysis: “A Case Study of the Milan area”. Currently he is a Research Fellow at ISTI-CNR as member of Knowledge Discovery and Delivery Laboratory. His interests regard mobility data mining with heterogeneous data as detecting urban mobility patterns and anomalies, study individual and collective mobility behavior, semantic enrichment of movements, study of the capability of public transport to attract private vehicular trips. |
![]() Davide GazzèIntegris S.r.l.
Davide Gazzè is a Software Architect at Integris S.r.l. He is working on the developing of a Big Data platform for text analysis. On 2015, he took a Ph.D. at Leonardo da Vinci school with a thesis in “Social Media Monitoring and Analysis: Multi-domain Perspectives”. From 2010 to 2015, he worked at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics at CNR of Pisa, where he was involved on crawling and analysis of Social Media data in fields like reputation analysis, OSING and touristic flow analysis. |
![]() Fosca GiannottiSteering Committee Member
Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Fosca Giannotti is a senior researcher at the Information Science and Technology Institute of the National Research Council at Pisa, Italy, where she leads the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory – KDD LAB – a joint research initiative with the University of Pisa, founded in 1995, one of the earliest European research groups specifically targeted at data mining and knowledge discovery. Her current research interests include data mining query languages, knowledge discovery support environment, web-mining, spatio-temporal reasoning, spatio-temporal data mining, and privacy preserving data mining. She has been involved in several research projects both at national and international level, holding both management and research positions. She has been the coordinator of various European and national research projects and she is currently the co-ordinator of the FP6-IST project GeoPKDD: Geographic Privacy-aware Knowledge Discovery and Delivery. She is responsible for the Working Group on Privacy and Security in Data mining of the KDUBIQ network of excellences. She has taught classes on databases and data mining at universities in Italy and abroad. She is the author of more than one hundred publications and served in the scientific committee of various conferences in the area of Logic Programming, Databases, and Data Mining. In 2004 she co-chaired the European conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Data Bases ECML/PKDD 2004. She is the co-editor of the book ”Mobility, Data Mining and Privacy”, Springer, 2008. |
![]() Fabrizio LilloDipartimento di Matematica, Università di Bologna
Fabrizio Lillo is Full Professor of Mathematical Methods for Economics and Finance at the <a href="http://www.mathematics.unibo.it/en">University of Bologna</a> (Italy). Formerly he has been Associate Professor of Mathematical Finance and leader of the group of Quantitative Finance at the <a href="https://en.sns.it/">Scuola Normale Superiore</a>, Pisa (Italy). He has been also External Faculty and Professor (2009-2012) at the Santa Fe Institute (USA). He received the Master (laurea) in Physics and PhD in Physics at the University of Palermo (Italy). He has been postdoc (1999-2001) and then researcher of the National Institute of the Physics of Matter, INFM (2001-2003). After that he has been postdoc (2003) and member of the External Faculty (2004-2009) of the Santa Fe Institute. He has been awarded the Young Scientist Award for Socio- and Econophysics of the German Physical Society in 2007. He is author of more than 85 referred scientific papers, which, according to Google Scholar, his papers have received more than 5,600 citations and his h-index is 36. He has been invited speaker in more than 25 international conference in the last 4 years. He is also member of the editorial board of 5 journals (including Journal of Statistical Mechanics (JSTAT) and Market Microstructure and Liquidity) and he is referee for many international journals and national funding agencies. Besides other projects, he is responsible of one of the units of the H2020 project SoBigData. He has also been responsible of one of the units of the FP7 funded European project CRISIS (Complexity Research Initiative for Systemic InstabilitieS) and of an INET grant, both focused on financial systemic risk and of ELSA and ComplexWorld, two European projects on Air Traffic Management. |
![]() Claudio LuccheseIstituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Dr. Claudio Lucchese is a researcher with the I.S.T.I. “A. Faedo” – C.N.R. since 2007. Prior to joining C.N.R., he received his MS.c. and Ph.D. from the Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia in 2003 and 2008, respectively. His main research activities are in the areas of data mining techniques for information retrieval, large-scale data processing and cloud computing. He has published more than 60 papers on these topics in peer reviewed international journals, conferences and other venues. He has teached courses on data mining and parallel computing at the Computer Science dept. of the Università di Firenze. He participated to and coordinated activities in the EC projects Sapir, S-Cube, Assets and InGeoClouds. On Jan. 30th, 2014, he received the (Italian) National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Computer Science. |
![]() Andrea MarchettiIstituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR
Andrea Marchetti is a technologist in the Institute of Informatics and Telematic (IIT) of CNR Pisa. In 2009 he funded the Web Applications for the Future Internet Group and is responsible of the activity “Social and Semantic Web”. His main research interests are concerning: web of data, digital humanities, data visualization, social media analysis and data journalism. On these issues he produced several publications. (http://www.iit.cnr.it/andrea.marchetti#pubblicazioni) He participated to several FP7 European Projects: OpeNER (2012-2014) (http://www.opener-project.org/), CAPER (2011-2014) (http://www.fp7-caper.eu/), Multilingual Web-LT (http://www.multilingualweb.eu/). He is leading the Research and Development Projects of “registro.it” GeoMemories (geomemories.org) and ClaviusOnTheWeb (claviusontheweb.it). He cooperates into the activities of the W3C Italian Office, promoting the Linked Open Data technologies. |
![]() Letizia MilliDipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Letizia Milli holds Master Degree in Computer Science from University of Pisa, Italy graduated magna cum laude (110/110 cum laude) in 2013. |
![]() Anna MonrealeVice-Director
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Anna Monreale is an assistant professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa and a member of the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (KDD-Lab), a joint research group with the Information Science and Technology Institute of the National Research Council in Pisa. She has been a visiting student at Department of Computer Science of the Stevens Institute of Technology (Hoboken, NewJersey, USA) (2010). Her research interests include big data analytics, social networks and the privacy issues raising in mining these kinds of social and human sensitive data. In particular, she is interested in the evaluation of privacy risks during analytical processes and in the design of privacy-by-design technologies in the era of big data. She earned her Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Pisa in June 2011 and her dissertation was about privacy-by-design in data mining. She is vice-director of the Master in Big data. |
![]() Mirco NanniIstituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
He is a researcher at the ISTI institute of CNR, Pisa. He holds a degree (1996) and a PhD (2001) in Computer Science, both obtained at the Pisa University. His research topics include data mining in general, clustering methods, mobility data analysis and their applications. He participated to several national and international projects, the most recent being PETRA, a UE project centered around mobility in a "smart cities" context. He has been a visiting in a few international institutes, including M.I.T. in Boston and University of New Brunswick in Canada. He has been teaching for around 10 years on various topics, mainly data mining and its applications. |
![]() Franco Maria NardiniSteering Committee Member
Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Franco Maria Nardini (http://hpc.isti.cnr.it/∼nardini/) is currently a Researcher at ISTI–CNR in Pisa. He received his Ph.D. in Information Engineering from the University of Pisa in 2011 discussing his thesis ``Query Log Mining to Enhance User Experience in Search Engines''. His research interests are focused on Web Information Retrieval, Data Mining, and Machine Learning. Franco Maria Nardini is member of the program committee of important conferences in IR and DM like ACM CIKM, SIGKDD, WSDM, etc. He authored more than 25 papers spanning from Web Information Retrieval to Data mining in peer reviewed international journal and conferences. |
![]() Andrea PassarellaSteering Committee Member
Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR
He is a Researcher at the Institute for Informatics and Telematics of CNR. His work focuses on mobile networks and Online and Mobile Social Networks, with emphasis on the study of human social structures in Online Social Networks through the analysis of data on interaction between users. He is co-author of over 100 publications in journals and international conferences, and has received several awards, including four Best Paper Awards at international conferences. It was and still is the coordinator of the CNR research groups in projects funded by the European Commission. He is a member of the editorial boards of international journals, and he is member of the organisation and program committees of reference international congresses in the area of mobile networks. |
![]() Dino PedreschiDirector
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Dino Pedreschi is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of Pisa, and a pioneering scientist in mobility data mining, social network mining and privacy-preserving data mining. He co-leads with Fosca Giannotti the Pisa KDD Lab - Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory, a joint research initiative of the University of Pisa and the Information Science and Technology Institute of the Italian National Research Council, one of the earliest research lab centered on data mining. His research focus is on big data analytics and mining and their impact on society. He is a founder of the Business Informatics MSc program at Univ. Pisa, a course targeted at the education of interdisciplinary data scientists. Dino has been a visiting scientist at Barabasi Lab (Center for Complex Network Research) of Northeastern University, Boston (2009-2010), and earlier at the University of Texas at Austin (1989-90), at CWI Amsterdam (1993) and at UCLA (1995). In 2009, Dino received a Google Research Award for his research on privacy-preserving data mining. He is also Director of the Master in Big Data. |
![]() Raffaele PeregoIstituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Raffaele Perego, is a senior researcher of the italian National Research Council (CNR). He leads the High Performance Computing Laboratory (HPC Lab, http://hpc.isti.cnr.it) belonging to the “Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell’Informazione A. Faedo” (ISTI), the largest CNR institute involved in ICT Research. The laboratory is located in the CNR Research Area of Pisa, and is closely linked with the University of Pisa and the SoBigData Lab. His research interests include Web Mining, Web Search and the design of large-scale information systems for the efficient management, analysis, synthesis, search of large amounts of data. He has published more than 130 papers on these topics on peer-reviewed journals, books, and proceedings of international workshops/conferences. He commonly serves in the PC committee of top-level conferences of his research area. He is among the recipient of the 2014 Yahoo Faculty Research and Engagement Program (FREP) award, and general Co-Chair of the 39th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research & Development on Information Retrieval (http://sigir.org/sigir2016/). |
![]() Salvatore RinzivilloSteering Committee Member
Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Salvatore Rinzivillo was born in 1976 in Ragusa, and holds a Laurea degree in Computer Science (University of Catania, 2001). Since 2002 he has been a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. His current research interests are data mining, knowledge discovery in spatial and spatio-temporal databases, and visual analytics methods for Big Data. |
![]() Giulio RossettiIstituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Giulio Rossetti earned his PhD in Computer Science at University of Pisa in 2015 with the thesis "Social Network Dynamics". He is a researcher at ISTI-CNR and a member of the KDD Lab (Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory). His research interests involve the analysis of Big Data to study and model the heterogeneous aspects of human behaviours, with a special focus on: dynamic networks analysis, diffusion and epidemic spreading, data-driven model for the science of success. |
![]() Salvatore RuggieriSteering Committee Member
Dipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Salvatore Ruggieri is Full Professor at the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa, and he is currently the director the Master Programme in Business Informatics. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science (1999), whose thesis has been awarded by the Italian Chapter of EATCS as the best Ph.D. thesis in Theoretical Computer Science. He is a member of the KDD LAB, with research interests focused in the data mining and knowledge discovery area, including: discrimination discovery and prevention, privacy and fairness, languages and systems for modelling the process of knowledge discovery; sequential and parallel classification algorithms; web mining; and applications. He was the coordinator of Enforce, a national FIRB (Italian Fund for Basic Research) young researcher project on Computer science and legal methods for enforcing the personal rights of non-discrimination and privacy in ICT systems (2010-2014, enforce.di.unipi.it). He was the program chair of the XIII Italian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Pisa 10-12 December 2014. http://pages.di.unipi.it/ruggieri |
![]() Maurizio TesconiIstituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR
Maurizio Tesconi is a researcher in Computer Science and a member of the Web Application for the Future Internet group at the Institute for Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council (CNR) of Pisa. His PhD thesis was about the development of a framework for the management of complex semantic resources. His research interests include Social Web Mining and Social Media Analysis, Visual Analytics, and Natural Language Processing. He is responsible of the Social Sensing project, an internal project aiming at exploiting the user of social media platforms as sensors in the detection of occurring real events. Dr. Tesconi is also part of the permanent team of the European Laboratory on Big Data Analytics and Social Mining, performing advanced research and analyses on the emerging challenges posed by big data. He is the author of about 40 international publications and he has recently played a role in divulging the results of research activity he has won the first edition of the Leonardo award promoted by the Union of Italian scientific journalists and the National Museum Leonardo da Vinci of Milan. |
![]() Roberto TrasartiIstituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'Informazione, CNR
Roberto Trasarti was born in 1979 in Italy. He graduated in Computer Science in 2006, at the University of Pisa. He discussed his thesis on ConQueSt: a Constraint-based Query System aimed at supporting frequent patterns discovery. He started the Ph.D. in Computer Science at the School for Graduate Studies "Galileo Galilei", (University of Pisa). In June 2010 he received his Ph.D. presenting the thesis entitled "Mastering the Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Discovery Process". He is currently a member of ISTI-CNR, and also a member of Knowledge Discovery and Delivery Laboratory. His interests regard Data mining, Spatio-Temporal data analysis, Artificial intelligence, Automatic Reasoning. |
![]() Franco TuriniDipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Franco Turini was born in 1949 in Italy. He graduated in Computer Science (Laurea in Scienze dell' Informazione) summa cum laude in 1973, from the University of Pisa. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa. In 78/80 he has been a visiting scientist of the Carnegie-Mellon University (Pittsburgh) and of the IBM Research Center S.Jose, afterwards. In 92/93 he has been visiting professor at the University of Utah. His research interests include programming languages design, implementation, and formal semantics especially in the field of functional and logic programming. In 1990-1993 he has been responsible for an Italian national programme sponsored by the National Research Council for "New generation Languages". He has been coordinator of the "Meta- and non-monotonic reasoning area" of the BRA Esprit Action No 6810 "Compulog II". Recently, he co-edited with Krzysztof Apt a book entitled Meta-logics and Logic Programming, published by The MIT Press. He has been in many program committees, the program chairman of the workshop "Meta-programming in Logic 1994", and the editor of the proceedings issued by Springer-Verlag as LNCS 883 (1994). |
![]() Rossano VenturiniDipartimento di Informatica, Università di Pisa
Rossano Venturini is assistant professor at University of Pisa. He received his Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa in 2010 discussing his thesis titled "On Searching and Extracting Strings from Compressed Textual Data''. His research interests are mainly focused on the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures with special attention to problems of indexing and searching large textual collections. He is author of more than 30 papers published on the major conferences and journals of information retrieval and theoretical computer science. |