
Cominotto Andrea


Born in Pisa, I graduated in Economics and Commerce and later in Marketing and Market Research at the University of Pisa, with experimental thesis on happiness induced in consumers by the acquisition of material and experiential goods. My studies have stimulated an interest in consumer behavior, CRM and business performance analysis in marketing campaigns. I am also interested in the areas of Data Visualization and Machine Learning, which I consider very useful to add to my knowledge. The master in Big Data offers me a wide range of tools to increase my skills, as well as fundamental notions of computer science and programming.


Savastano Franco


He is from Rome and he holds a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and a Post graduate Master’s degree in Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology. The experience and the knowledge he gained in the scientific and IT field both during the internship and doing research for his thesis project at ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale), led him to comprehend how important it is, for a scientific team, to have a professional figure skilful at elaborating and interpreting data. Therefore, he decided to enrol in the Big Data & Social Mining Specialization Course at the University of Pisa, setting the goal of acquiring the typical Data Scientist skills in order to employ them in scientific research, as well as in its decisional process, focusing on their application in the environmental field.


Leuci Giulio


I was born in Grosseto in 1992. I got my B.Sc. in Physics and Advanced Technology at the University of Siena and my M.Sc. in Physics at the University of Pisa, where I attended some Medical Physics courses. Driven by curiosity about Data Science application in medicine, I decided to attend this Master because I would like to learn other application fields to broaden my work horizons.


Gigli David


Born in Macerata in 1987, he studied Theoretical Physics in Pisa and graduated in 2014. During his years of study, he was able to take part in the ethical and political issues of Big Data, especially those coming from social media. He worked for two years in an IT company (Advanced Computer Systems S.r.l.) on a software automation control project. In 2017 he enrolled in the Master in Big Data & Social Mining with the aim of obtaining more specific knowledge of the world of Data Science.


Pisanu Ignazio


My name is Ignazio, I’m 25 and I am from Sardinia, where I lived until 18. I then moved to Pisa where I obtained a BA in History and Philosophy. I participated in an Erasmus exchange programme and studied in Corte (France), where I worked on my dissertation. I started a master's degree in Mass Media and Politics at the University of Bologna and acquired skills in political communication and public opinion analysis. In 2017 I was awarded a scholarship to spend five months in Russia at the People’s Friendship University of Russia. There I had the opportunity to study at the school of International Journalism and started a research project on public opinion analysis, which later inspired my master’s dissertation. I graduated with honours in 2017. During the university years I worked for three Italian newspapers as an editor and a journalist and was in charge of the online newspaper Cronacastorica.net.


Ambrosini Rebecca


Born and actually living in Lucca; Degree in Mathematics at the Pisa University. I work as analyst since 2003 by Agos Ducato SpA, a consumer credit company leader in Italy. I decided to apply for the Big Data Analytics’ Master to enrich my competences with new analysis technics developed on the market, for example on social networks or web text’s analysis, always in respect of ethics.


Lepore Isabella Maria


I majored in philosophy and I'm a PhD student at the University of Roma Tre and Roma Tor Vergata. I'm currently working on Isaac Newton's metaphysics and theological unpublished manuscripts. I approached the world of big data and data mining to satisfy my curiosity and to learn new things.


Ruzza Stefano


Stefano was born in Turin on 1987. He earned a BSc in Physics from the University of Turin with a dissertation on the processes of epidemic diffusion on complex networks. He then obtained a Master's degree in Astrophysics and Theoretical Physics from the same university. His dissertation is entitled: "Statistical Inference and Criticality". Stefano collaborated with an IT company in compiling statistics on football events and currently works as a scientific communicator for primary and secondary school children at a teaching laboratory in Turin.


Kohnke Laura


She was born in Messina, and she got her Master's Degree in Literary and Non-fiction Translation with a score of 110/110 with honours in 2016. In the same year, she attended the School of Advanced Technologies for Translators (SATT) at the Fondazione Bruno Kessler of Trento, where she achieved a certification of skills in the use of the CAT tool MateCAT. She has worked as an English teacher both in private language schools and in public schools as well. She has also held the role of Italian language assistant at the Modern Languages department of Cardiff University while working as a freelance translator for Translated. In 2017 she attended a 2nd level specialization course held at the University of Pisa on Big Data & Social Mining to integrate her linguistic knowledge with innovative tools, focusing her attention on computational analysis, digital texts processing, and Machine Learning.


Pizzardo Michele


Born in Rovigo in 1992, I obtained the Master’s degree in Physics at the University of Padua, with honors. I have discussed a thesis in Cosmology, combinig the theoretical and the computational aspects of this discipline to develop and prove the potentialities of a linear response function dealing with the non-linear effects acting on the evolution of the large-scale structure of the Universe at the baryon acoustic oscillations scales. I have always been attracted by the capability of data to reveal enlightening information if appropriately handled, leading to the solution of complex problems regarding different areas, from the business to the social and political ones, so I am attending this course to complete my formation, in order to acquire the knowledge needed to immerse myself in the Data Science world, to make of it the core of my future working activity.



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