
Milli Letizia

Letizia Milli holds Master Degree in Computer Science from University of Pisa, Italy graduated magna cum laude (110/110 cum laude) in 2013. 
She is currently a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Pisa and a member of the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (KDD-Lab), a joint research group with the Information Science and Technology Institute of the National Research in Pisa.
Her research interests include data mining, quantification, diffusion of phenomena and innovation in complex networks and the Science of Success.


Cresci Stefano

Stefano received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Pisa respectively in 2007 and 2013. He also received a post-graduate Master’s degree in Big Data Analytics & Social Mining from the University of Pisa in 2016. Currently, he is a PhD Student at the Information Engineering School of the University of Pisa. He is also a Research Fellow at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT) of the National Research Council (CNR) in Pisa, Italy.


De Biase Luca

Laureato all’Università Bocconi di Milano, in Discipline economiche e sociali, con la votazione di 110/110 e lode. E' editor di innovazione al Sole 24 Ore e Nova24 (del quale è stato fondatore, che ha guidato dall’ottobre2005 al giugno 2011; e che ha ripreso a guidare dal luglio 2013) e della Vita Nòva, magazine per tablet. E' docente al master di comunicazione della scienza all’Università di Padova e membro del comitato scientifico del master di comunicazione della scienza alla Sissa di Trieste e del master in Big data analytics della Luiss di Roma.


Trasarti Roberto

Roberto Trasarti was born in 1979 in Italy. He graduated in Computer Science in 2006, at the University of Pisa. He discussed his thesis on ConQueSt: a Constraint-based Query System aimed at supporting frequent patterns discovery. He started the Ph.D. in Computer Science at the School for Graduate Studies "Galileo Galilei", (University of Pisa). In June 2010 he received his Ph.D. presenting the thesis entitled "Mastering the Spatio-Temporal Knowledge Discovery Process".


Marchetti Andrea

Andrea Marchetti is a technologist in the Institute of Informatics and Telematic (IIT) of CNR Pisa. In 2009 he funded the Web Applications for the Future Internet Group and is responsible of the activity “Social and Semantic Web”. His main research interests are concerning: web of data, digital humanities, data visualization, social media analysis and data journalism. On these issues he produced several publications.


Casprini Elena

Elena Casprini is Postdoc Research Fellow in Management at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. She has been a Visiting Ph.D. at Cass Business School (London, UK) and she collaborates with the Department of Business and Law at University of Siena. She has been involved in teaching activities about innovation management at both B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels. Her main research interests include business model innovation, open innovation and family firms.


Bachini Viola

I graduated from Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste with a master's in Science Communication. Currently I am collaborating with various organizations in the field of science communication. I specifically write about science and technology subjects on many national newspapers such as La Repubblica and L'Espresso.


Tesconi Maurizio

Maurizio Tesconi is a researcher in Computer Science and a member of the Web Application for the Future Internet group at the Institute for Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council (CNR) of Pisa. His PhD thesis was about the development of a framework for the management of complex semantic resources. His research interests include Social Web Mining and Social Media Analysis, Visual Analytics, and Natural Language Processing.


Venturini Rossano

Rossano Venturini is assistant professor at University of Pisa. He received his Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department of the University of Pisa in 2010 discussing his thesis titled "On Searching and Extracting Strings from Compressed Textual Data''. His research interests are mainly focused on the design and analysis of algorithms and data structures with special attention to problems of indexing and searching large textual collections.


Turini Franco

Franco Turini was born in 1949 in Italy. He graduated in Computer Science (Laurea in Scienze dell' Informazione) summa cum laude in 1973, from the University of Pisa. He is currently a full professor in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa. In 78/80 he has been a visiting scientist of the Carnegie-Mellon University (Pittsburgh) and of the IBM Research Center S.Jose, afterwards. In 92/93 he has been visiting professor at the University of Utah.



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