
Fusar Imperatore Luca

Fusar Imperatore

I was born in Lodi in 1985. Always curious about the possible connections between different fields of knowledge, I pursued my studies first in Management for Arts & Culture, then in Economic and Social Sciences, both at Bocconi University in Milan. Later, throughout nine years of work within the retail department of a major oil company, my analytical inclination and flexibility found application in a vast array of tasks ranging from preparing dossiers for government authorities to building what-if models in Excel. At the same time, living in Rome enabled me to satisfy my penchant for arts & history, lately also as an amateur volunteer guide. Over time, I have discovered a growing interest in data management and the IT world broadly intended. As a consequence, I finally decided to enroll in the ”SoBigData” Master’s course, with the aim of broadening my horizons and upgrading my skills in the face of the increasing complexity of our age.


Bottinelli Davide


Born in 1996 in Milan, Italy. My educational background was purely humanistic: I attended classical high school and later graduated in philosophy, first in a bachelor's degree and then in a master's degree. My main interests during my undergraduate years were in the areas of propositional logic, theory of knowledge and philosophy of science. In the research phase for my master's thesis, I had the opportunity to address the issues of the human mind-artificial intelligence relationship and how computational thinking works. This prompted me to approach the world of programming and the study of the latest technologies for extracting information from big data streams. The Master in Big Data Analytics and Social Mining has been a conceptually challenging course of study for me and has given me the opportunity to look into such an exciting and innovative field of work as data science.


Luongo Giulia


My name is Giulia Luongo, I graduated in 2014 in Management Engineering. Until December 2021 I worked in a Bergamo company in the automotive sector. Part of my job was to do data analysis and over the years I realized that this was the part that I was most passionate about. Thanks to the Master SoBigData I was able to specialize in this area.


Silini Silvia


After a Bachelor degree in "International and European studies" at the Univeristy of Milan where I have gained insight on the work of the European and International institutions, I decided to specialise myself in the migration field with the Master “Sociology of Migrations and interethnical relations” at the Paris Diderot University. Following some professional experiences in public and private institutions, I finally sign up for this Master in Big Data Analytics with the aim of gaining new skills and knowledge useful to analyze and study our complex society from a quantitative point of view.


Barbara Ranghetti


Barbara Ranghetti is 26 years old and was born and raised in Bergamo. She attended the Faculty of Physics at the University of Milan-Bicocca, getting a bachelor's degree with an experimental thesis conducted at the university's radioactivity lab, in the field of environmental applied physics. She graduated cum Laude at the same university in November 2018, with a thesis entitled "Characterization of neutron fluxes through neutron spectroscopy measurements", conducted at the university's radioactivity laboratory and at the ENEA research center (Casaccia , Rome). During the master's degree she begins to take interest in Big Data and decides to continue her studies by attending the Master's program, to expand her computer skills applied to data analysis.


Meroni Albertine


Albertine Meroni was born in Varese in 1990, she graduated in Environmental Engineering at Politecnico di Milano with a thesis in the field of modeling for the dispersion of pollutants into the atmosphere. Moved by the desire to expand her skills she decides to undertake the master in Big Data at University of Pisa.


Berti Barbara


Barbara Berti received a PhD in English Linguistics from the University of Milan with a thesis concerning the presence and the treatment of lexical collocations in bilingual dictionaries. She currently works as a researcher at the State University of Milan, where she teaches English Phonology, Morphology, Phraseology, Lexis, Semantics as well as Corpus Linguistics. Her main research interests are collocations in corpus linguistics, critical lexicography and computational lexicography.


Stefano Lonati


Stefano nasce a Milano nel 1986 e, da sempre alla ricerca di uno strumento per comprendere meglio la realtà che lo circonda, è convinto di aver trovato un potente alleato nell'analisi dei dati, che ha scoperto durante gli studi di laurea magistrale in Economia, Politica ed Istituzioni Internazionali. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea con il massimo dei voti grazie ad una tesi sperimentale sull'uso dei metodi di data mining applicati ai contesti didattici, Stefano lavora un anno in un progetto di cooperazione internazionale a Livingstone (Zambia), dove scopre con piacere che ciò che ha studiato sui libri gli è di grande aiuto per orientarsi e per comprendere una società così distante dalla sua.
Una volta rientrato in Italia, in attesa di perfezionare i suoi studi in analisi dei dati, Stefano lavora come assistente di direzione in una start-up e scopre le piccole gioie, le frustrazioni, l'impegno e la determinazione necessari per creare una nuova impresa.



Vittorio Malaguti


Vittorio Malaguti is interested in studying anthropology and cultures. He graduated at the University of Pavia in 2015 in philosophy, with a thesis on cultural memory and the correlated political view; he likes to study the shapes of cities, Kant, medieval history. He refuses to choose between humanist studies and scientific knowledge, so he sat at the edge, finding in computer science both an interesting new branch of knowledge, surprisingly so akin with philosophy, and a powerful tool to understand our lives. He is amazed by pythons.


Ludovico Mannheimer


Born in Milan on 20/01/1983, living in Milan. After a master degree in Social Sciences at the University of Milan he has his first experience in the world of data with working as junior researcher at Ipsos-MORI, in London. Once back in Italy, he started working at ISPO Ricerche as quantitative researcher, following opinion research projects in different areas, from culture to finance, becoming, in 2011, Head of the digital division, ISPO Click. Today, he is focused primarily on online research, taking care of all process: from the design and definition of the objectives to the data analysis and report production. He decided to attend the Master in Big Data Analysis and Data Mining because he believes the future of data analysis is the merging of traditional opinion polls with big data analysis, and will be increasingly necessary to master them both.



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