Enrollment 2023 - 2024

Enrollment Status: closed  
Enrollment: from 20/07/2023 to 25/10/2023
Enrollment Portal: Portale Alice
Call: Call for Master in Big Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence for Society


Participation to the Master is allowed to those who, by the beginning of the Master, are in possession of a Master's, Specialist or an equivalent degree. The Master is purely interdisciplinary, as the training of "data scientists" requires a mix of multi-disciplinary skills to deal with the technological, analytical, narrative and ethical aspects of Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. To fully achieve the objectives of the Master, the presence of students with heterogeneous backgrounds is desirable, leading to a variety of outgoing figures, enhancing the different facets of the data scientist profession. Participation to the Master presupposes technical-scientific, engineering, socio-economic or humanistic knowledge, as well as a proven ability of the student to master communication and information technologies. Furthermore, the Master requires considerable effort and dedication in the study and application of the technologies learned.

At the beginning of the Master there is an Alignment course which aims to align the students' basic IT and analytical skills, in particular in the field of databases, exploratory data analysis and Python programming. Among the eligible candidates, the criterion of preference will be the greatest increase in knowledge that the Master's training course can bring, with respect to the knowledge already possessed by the student. Enrolled students who have successfully completed all the planned training activities will receive a Master's degree signed by the Rector of the University of Pisa.

Registration Procedure

To participate to the Master admission procedure, the candidate must submit an application for enrollment by connecting to the Alice Portal, following the instructions in the Call (art. 1) starting from 07/20/2023 and no later than 1.00 pm on the day 10/25/2023. This term also applies, under penalty of exclusion, for the payment of the registration fee. In fact, at the end of the online application submission procedure, the system generates a receipt proving the correct entry of the enrollment application and the interested party can proceed with the payment of the enrollment fee of €30.00 using the instruments allowed by the PagoPa system, which includes stamp duty and tax for preliminary administrative expenses, under penalty of exclusion. This payment must be made exclusively by the candidate through the specific PagoPa notice available in the reserved area of the Alice Portal. Therefore, it cannot be financed externally. This payment is an essential condition for completing enrollment and must be made within the peremptory deadline mentioned above. The payment of the contribution by private companies and public institutions is allowed. Details on the payment methods for enrollment are given in Article 1 of the Call (link on top of the page). At the same time as the enrollment request, candidates who intend to participate in the Master must produce the following documents for the selection phase:

  • Curriculum Vitae which must specify the date of birth, the possession of the qualification required for admission, i.e. a master's degree completed with the marks obtained, the date and the university where it was awarded. The curriculum vitae must be signed in original, with an identity document attached. In the case of a foreign qualification, the candidate must produce the documentation indicated in Art. 5 of the Call. Candidates who intend to submit elements relating to their university careers at the University of Pisa for evaluation by the examining commission must indicate this in their curriculum in order to be able to proceed with the official acquisition of the title and other data expressly indicated and in possession of the University of Pisa.
  • Presentation Letter which must contain the reasons that push the candidate to apply for participation in the Master and why the candidate considers himself suitable for this training course.
  • ISEE per il Diritto allo Studio Universitario necessary only if you want to contribute to tax relief based on your income.

All the above-mentioned documents necessary for any selection must be sent no later than 13:00 on 25/10/2023 to the Master's Didactic Secretariat, exclusively in the following ways:

  1. by PEC mail, together with a copy of a valid identity document, to the following PEC address of the Master's Teaching Secretariat indicating, in the subject line, the name of the Master in which you intend to participate: informatica@pec.unipi.it ;
  2. by registered post with return receipt (the departure stamp of the post office accepting the shipment is not valid), indicating on the envelope the name of the Master in which you intend to participate, together with a copy of an identity document in progress of validity, to the address of the headquarters of the Master's Didactic Secretariat:

Master in Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Society
Dipartimento di Informatica
Largo Pontecorvo, 3
56127 Pisa

Selection and Admission

Each candidate will be awarded a score, on the basis of the documentation presented, for the formation of a merit ranking according to which those who are admitted to the Master will be identified. Those who are admitted must enroll by paying the first installment (details are given below).

Those who obtain the required qualification after the call deadline but before the starting date scheduled for 11/29/2023 are admitted to the Master with reserve. The interested party who is graduating from a university other than the University of Pisa must produce a self-certification by e-mail to the Masters and Study Awards Unit (master@adm.unipi.it), complete with an identity document validity, in which you declare the date on which the qualification was awarded, which must be prior to the scheduled start of the teaching activities. Even if the start of the course should be postponed, the date indicated in the form as the start of the Master will continue to constitute a peremptory administrative deadline for the achievement of the required degree.

Method and Registration Fee

The enrollment fee for registered students is Euro 4500 to be paid in 4 installments, as indicated below.

  • Installment 1: Euro 1800, deadline: 15 November 2023

  • Installment 2: Euro 900, deadline: 15 January 2024

  • Installment 3: Euro 900, deadline: 15 February 2024

  • Installment 4: Euro 900, deadline: 15 June 2024

Enrollment on Available Places

Upon expiry of the enrollment procedures, in the event that the maximum number of places foreseen has not been filled, the Master's Board may set, once only, a new deadline to accept, in chronological order, further enrollment requests from candidates meeting the required requirements. This term must be identified in compliance with the possibility of accruing the compulsory attendance envisaged (Art.7 paragraph 6 of the Master's Regulations).

In this regard, a notice will be published on the University website https://www.unipi.it/index.php/master , on the Master's web page, announcing the remaining availability of places and communicating the deadline and the formalities necessary for enrollment.


There are 2 types of discounts for members:

  • Tax benefits: There are 10 tax concessions/benefits, equal to Euro 600.00 each, to be attributed to the exemption of the fourth installment. The assignment of the subsidies will be defined after the beginning of the master's degree on the basis of a ranking formulated taking into account the following criteria: 1) ISEE certification for subsidized services for the Right to University Study; 2) evaluation of the candidate's curriculum which takes into account both the degree mark and other qualifications held. The two components will have a different weight in defining the final score. In particular, point 1) will have a weight of 70% while point 2) will have a weight of 30%.
  • Merit based benefits: Additional merit-based benefits are available for partial reimbursement of tuition fees. The assignment of benefits will be defined after the end of the frontal lessons. The ranking will be formulated taking into account the candidate's performance during the Master, defined as the weighted average between the number of credits acquired and the marks obtained in the relative exams. The number and extent of these concessions will be defined on the basis of the funding that the Master will receive from its partners and on the basis of financial availability.

Auditor Students

It is possible to register as an auditor. In this case it is not necessary to have the qualification required for admission. Within the limit of places left available for auditors, it is possible to enroll as an auditor in the Master even after the start of training activities.

The auditor can attend, even partially, the teaching activities of the Master, but cannot take the intermediate checks, nor attend the internship activities. In any case, participation as an auditor does not allow the acquisition of the title or the achievement of training credits, but does allow for the acquisition of a certificate of participation for the educational activities attended, signed by the Director of the Master. In any case, the passage from auditor to ordinary student is not permitted. On the other hand, the transition from ordinary student to listener is allowed, at the request of the interested party, without the right to a refund of any excess amounts paid with respect to the amount due as listener.

The auditor can apply to the entire master (all modules) or can apply to one or more modules paying the contribution for each single module which depends on the number of ECTS.

Contribution for "auditor/distance learning" student

  • All modules:
    • 2200 euro, not installable
  • Contribution for each module:
    • 2 ECTS module: 200 euros, not installable
    • 3 ECTS module: 300 euros, not installable
    • 4 ECTS module: 400 euros, not installable
    • 5 ECTS module: 500 euros, not installable

To participate as Auditor please fill the module.
