Big Data Ethics

Big Data Ethics
Academic Year: 

The module aims to introduce ethical and legal notions of privacy, anonymity, transparency and discrimination, also referring the Directives and Regulations of the European Union and their ongoing evolution. Tho module will show Privacy-by-Design models and technologies that are useful to protect the users' rights and that allow the analysis of Big Data without harming the right to the protection of personal data, to transparency and to a fair treatment.


EU Data Protection Regulation; EU Anti-discrimination Regulation; Models and Techniques for the de-identification and the anonymity in data; Privacy-by-design and Techniques to safeguard the privacy in "Big Data analytics"; Privacy Risk Analysis in the "New Deal" of personal data and human centered personal data ecosystems; Models and Techniques for guaranteing the right to non-discrimination in "Big Data Analytics"; New techno-legal challenges: profiling, oblivion right, digital shadow and self-awareness; Data Scientist’s Responsibility.

Technics and tools: 

Software for data sanitization with respect to privacy and fairness model.

Case studies and datasets: 

Privacy model and protection techniques will be used mobility and web advertising case studies.


The student will know the most important ethical and legal notions about privacy, anonymity, transparency and discrimination. The student will learn how to design an analytical process for Big Data, respecting the right to personal data protection, to transparency and to a fair treatment. The student will be able to evaluate the trade-off between the ethical-social-legal impact in the adoption of those technologies with respect to the connected advantages.
