
Mauro Giovanni

Giovanni Mauro was born in 1995 in Catanzaro (CZ). He holds a BSc in Computer Science from University of Pisa (during which he win a one-year Erasmus+ grant at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid) and a MSc in Data Science from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech. 
Before joining the PhD in Artificial Intelligence he worked as Data Engineer and cooperated with KDD-lab at ISTI-CNR for projects regarding Sport Analytics and Human Mobility Analysis.


Rulli Cosimo

Cosimo Rulli is a Ph.D student in Computer Science at the University of Pisa and a researcher with the National Research Council of Italy. He received the Master Degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Florence in 2019, with a thesis on deep neural network compression with knowledge distillation and pruning. His research interests focus on deep learning, model compression, and information retrieval.


Cinquini Martina

Martina Cinquini graduated in 2021 in Data Science and Business Informatics with a thesis entitled “Boosting Synthetic Data Generation with Effective Nonlinear Causal Discovery”. She is currently a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Pisa. Her main research interests focus on causality and explainable AI.


Carrara Fabio

Fabio Carrara is a researcher at the Artificial Intelligence for Multimedia and Humanities Laboratory (AIMH, http://aimh.isti.cnr.it/) of the Information Science and Technologies Institute (ISTI) of the Italian CNR in Pisa. He received a Master's Degree and a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Pisa (Italy) respectively in 2015 and 2019.


Cossu Andrea

I am a PhD student in Data Science, under the supervision of Prof. Davide Bacciu.
I am a member of the Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning (CIML) group at University of Pisa.
I received both my B.Sc and M.sc in Computer Science from University of Pisa.


Citraro Salvatore

Salvatore Citraro is a PhD student in Computer Science at the University of Pisa and a member of the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Laboratory (KDD-Lab), a joint research group with the Information Science and Technology Institute of the Italian National Research Council in Pisa. Currently, his main research interests focus on complex networks, including classic and feature-rich network data analysis. His PhD line of research includes the study of linguistic networks, namely how their hidden structures and properties can be meaningfully exploited and applied in cognitive contexts.


Mazza Michele

Michele is a PhD student member of the Cyber Intelligence research unit in IIT-CNR. His research interests are mainly related to Information/Influence Operations involving coordinated inauthentic behaviors conducted by fake accounts on online social networks. Michele leverages techniques and algorithms borrowed from different fields such as social media intelligence, machine learning, deep learning and social network analysis.


Pansanella Valentina

Valentina Pansanella was born in 1995 in Perugia, Italy.
In July 2020 she graduated magna cum laude in Data Science and Business Informatics at University of Pisa with a thesis on Opinion Dynamics on evolving networks and higher order structures. She previously graduated (bachelor degree) magna cum laude in business economics at University of Perugia with a thesis on assets pricing.
She's currently a Ph.D. fellow in Data Science in the joint program offered by Scuola Normale Superiore, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, University of Pisa, IMT Lucca and National Research Council.


Mannocci Lorenzo

Lorenzo Mannocci graduated in 2019 in Computer Engineering at University of Pisa, then he studied Data Science and Business Informatics always at University of Pisa, graduating in 2021 with honors with a thesis entitled "Bot detection with unsupervised approach based on multivariate time series", carried out in collaboration with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.



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