Graduated masterful cum laude in “Business and Public Communication” at the University of Salerno with a thesis entitled “Public Administration’s approach to the e-governance. Analysis of istitutional twitter profiles”. The research focuses on relations between State and civil society, practices and experiences of shared management of “res publica”. This research is continued with an article entitled "Social media communication in central governments: the case of twitter activity of Italian Ministries", published on the “Nova Science Publishers - Journal of Communications Research”. To the Press agent experience at the Province of Salerno follows the representation of the research area of the Observatory for Communication and Participation of Youth Cultures (OCPG). Council member of “Progetti in Network”, a cultural association based in Salerno. The association is specialized in communication and cultural activities and conferences and seminars organizat”, a cultural association based in Salerno. Responsible for organizing secretary of the “Eighth Annual Conference of the ESPAnet Italia”, the network of italian and european social policies.