
Domenico Matteo Bianco


He was born in Padua (Italy) in 1992. He obtained his master’s degree with honors in physics at the University of Padua in 2016. He wrote a theoretical thesis on cosmic inflation. In particular, he studied the observable predictions, i.e. the statistical properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background, of some inflationary models recently proposed in the context of supergravity theories. He has always been interested in mathematics and computer science and, during the years spent at university, he has discovered the promising profession of data scientist. Finally, he has decided to attend this postgraduate course to supplement his previous studies.


Massimo Tosato


Born in Vicenza in 1989. After a scientific high school diploma, he earns a bachelor’s degree in Communication Science from the university of Verona, presenting an experimental thesis on the dynamics of virtualization of minor ethnic communities. He subsequently moves to Siena to study the relationships between social networks, cultural structures and communicative agency in the digital mediascape by attending the courses of the master’s degree in Visual Anthropology. Here he synthesizes a proposal for a social research methodology to be applied to the internet, which finds application in an ethnographic thesis titled “To recognize and accept the real in the virtual. r/Italy, online ethnography of a ‘virtual community’”. After graduating with honors, he decides to continue his studies to equip himself with Data Science techniques and perspectives to integrate the extraction and functional manipulation of information with storytelling capabilities and knowledge processing.


Pietro Giuffrida


Pietro Giuffrida (Vicenza 1982) ha lavorato dal 2006 presso diverse aziende svolgendo attività quali: gestione della tracciabilità, calcolo del costo industriale e del prezzo medio, programmazione di report scheudlizzati per la valutazione dell'andamento aziendale. I principali strumenti utilizzati nel corso dell'esperienza lavorativa sono python, SQL (vari dialetti), excel, oltre ai vari software più comuni. Buon conoscitore di Debian GNU-Linux, sviluppa applicazioni di vario genere orientate al trattamento dati come attività preliminare al decision making. Nel 2014 ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in filosofia.


Ruben Bassani


Born in Bassano del Grappa (Vi) on 15.02.1985. After the Master’s degree in Sociology (economic and labor sociology, sociology of organizations) at the University of Padua, obtained with honors in 2010, he was involved in qualitative and quantitative research, collaborating with different organizations. From 2013 he is a researcher at the Institute for Regional Development and Location Management of the European Academy of Bolzano (EURAC), where he mainly deals with data collection and analysis in the field of mobility and tourism.



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