
Alessandro Nardi


Nato a  Livorno nel 1975. Dopo la laurea in Lingua e Letteratura inglese e spagnola alla facoltà di Lettere di Pisa ha conseguito un Master in Gestione del Software Open-Source al Dipartimento di Informatica di Pisa.
Dal 2006 lavora come project financial manager al Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) occupandosi prevalentemente della gestione tecnico-manageriale di progetti di ricerca europei, regionali e nazionali.


Gabriele Bonamini


Born in Piombino (LI) January 21 1958. Married, with three children. Graduated July 12 1982 in Forestry Sciences at the faculty of Agriculture, Florence. Freelance Wood Technologist, since 1982 works as consultant in the fields of the industrial uses of wood, of R&D of wood-based products, and of the conservation of wooden artworks and structures belonging to the Cultural Heritage. Over 70 publications, including reference books, articles and presentations at national and international conferences. 


Marco Lorenzetti


In 2014 Marco obtained his Master’s degree in Political Sciences and Decisional Processes at the University of Florence with a thesis regarding a quantitative analysis about the eco-efficiency of the italian Regions. Since the time of university’s period he started doing some experiences in the journalism field, dedicating himself to the local chronicle, where he also started working as publisher dealing with the optimization web issues and social media management. His main interests include: local development policies and digital strategies.


Cecilia Rinaldi


Cecilia Rinaldi was born in Cecina (LI) on 05/02/1981. She holds a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and a Master's degree in Statistics from the University of Pisa. In 2006, a few months before graduation, she began working for Ducato S.p.A. as marketing analyst. Since 2010 works as data analyst on SAS platform at Agos Ducato S.p.A., specifically focusing on business intelligence and multivariate statistical analysis in direct marketing and credit cards. She decided to attend the master to expand their programming skills and acquire skills in analyzing text and data from social media.


Samuele Borgheresi


Born at Montevarchi (AR) on 16/07/1986. He obtained a Master's Degree in Philosophical Sciences in 2014 at the University of Florence. Always passionate about technology and computers, he decided to enroll in the Big Data Master to develop his curriculum towards a quantitative direction and to gain strong practical skills in the Data Science field. The topics which he developed more through the Master are the Textual Analysis on various sources, the acquisition (API, Web Crawling) and processing of Datasets (Hadoop/Spark) and the use of Python.



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