
Ambrosini Rebecca


Born and actually living in Lucca; Degree in Mathematics at the Pisa University. I work as analyst since 2003 by Agos Ducato SpA, a consumer credit company leader in Italy. I decided to apply for the Big Data Analytics’ Master to enrich my competences with new analysis technics developed on the market, for example on social networks or web text’s analysis, always in respect of ethics.


Lepore Isabella Maria


I majored in philosophy and I'm a PhD student at the University of Roma Tre and Roma Tor Vergata. I'm currently working on Isaac Newton's metaphysics and theological unpublished manuscripts. I approached the world of big data and data mining to satisfy my curiosity and to learn new things.


Caprasecca Stefano


I was born in Rome but have been living in Florence for many years. I have a MSc in theoretical and computational Chemistry (Rome) and a PhD in Physics (UK). I am a research fellow at the Dept. of Chemistry at the University of Pisa, where I study the physical processes taking place in photosynthesis, using computational models. I have authored 25 scientific articles and have developed and implemented models of computational Chemistry. Lately I have got into Machine Learning, which I am currently employing to predict chemical properties of molecules.


Carvelli Marta


I have graduated in Mathematics at University of Pisa with a thesis in Computer Algebra. After a short teaching experience, I have attended a course in Digital Advertising where the interest about Big Data started from. I have decided then to attend the master in order to increase the knowledge about Big Data e to see some applications of the arguments studied previously.


Licari Daniele


After the Computer Science MS Degree, he hold a Ph.D. in Chemistry from Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, Italy) in 2014. His doctoral thesis has been focused on the designing and building of an cyberinfrastructure to analyze quantum-chemical results, increase researchers’ productivity, and improve the sharing and enrichment of heterogeneous data, in order to encourage research scientists to engage in cross-disciplinary activities with a focus on Molecular Science and Virtual Heritage fields. He worked as a PostDoc at the Scuola Normale Superiore (2014-2017), his research involved the development of a user-friendly environment for fully exploiting state-of-the-art computational packages for simulating molecular spectra in a wide range of frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum, by converting raw data into easily interpretable spectra and providing a complete set of functionalities to collect and analyze them. I am currently a PostDoc at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa.


Mattera Simone


Born and raised in Siena. I completed my Master’s degree cum laude in Computer and Automation Engineering from the University of Siena in 2016, combined with one year at the Radboud University of Nijmegen (NL) studying Artificial Intelligence as an Erasmus postgraduate. After defending my thesis, a research done at IMPA - Instituto de Matemática Pura e Aplicada in Rio de Janeiro (BR) titled “Evolutionary game models for brain connectivity”, I started working in Turin as a software developer for industrial robots. Here my interest in the data analysis got started, as I furthermore joined a project regarding predictive maintenance for industrial machinery. I eventually applied to the Master in Big Data Analytics and Social Mining to broaden my knowledge of the Data Science, seeking to get an across the board picture of its large variety of purposes.


Costanzo Luca


My name is Luca Costanzo and I live in Prato. I have earned a master's degree in Matter Physics from University of Florence and then a PhD at the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS). Currently I'm a post-doc at the National Institute of Optics (INO-CNR).


Valentina Marchi


Valentina graduated cum laude in Design of Sustainable Tourism System at the University of Florence. She is very interested and fascinated by the world of the web and social networks and their relationship with tourism issues. Valentina has developed her thesis entitled "Web 2.0 and development of the Tuscany brand " that analyses the binomial focusing on competitiveness, sustainability, innovation and tourism. She currently is researcher in the field of tourism, at the Institute of Biometeorology at the National Council in Florence. Valentina embarked on the path of the Master in Big Data Analytics and Social Mining to deepen the knowledge and try to understand the several facets of a complex phenomenon as tourism.


Martina Lorenzino


Martina was born in Pietrasanta(LU) in the 1985. She graduated in Experimental Psychology at the University of Florence. Her master thesis concerned the study of face recognition cognitive processes. In the 2015, she got a PhD degree in Pyshcology and Neuroscience at the Department of NEUROFORBA of the University of Florence, where today she collaborates in the Cognitive Processes Lab. During her PhD, she spent a period at the Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (USA), where she studied 3D perception. Her main interests concern the study of the influence of emotions on cognitive processes, particularly how emotions influence the learning of new information. She has a great interest in data analysis and psychometry and for this reason she decided to attend the Master in Big Data. She believes that Big Data are an important instrument to understand the human behavior.


Anna Romani


I was born in Pisa, where I studied Philosophy at the University. I obtained the Master Degree in 2013 and I'm currently a Ph.d candidate at the University of Pisa and Florence. During my research periods abroad (Cologne, Paris) I had the occasion to improve my English, German and French. I choose the Master in Big Data Analysis and Social Mining to enrich my knowledge and skills.



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