Open Day 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 - 16:30 to Thursday, September 5, 2024 - 17:30

Vuoi lavorare sui BigData usando Intelligenza Artificiale, Deep Learning e Machine Learning?
La scadenza del bando per l'iscrizione alla prossima edizione del Master si avvicina).
Sei interessato a iscriverti?
Hai domande sul funzionamento, sui prerequisiti, sulla frequenza o sui partner?

Partecipa agli Open Day per interagire con lo staff e chiarire ogni dubbio!


Do you want to deal with BigData using Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Machine Learning?
The deadline for the call for participation of the BigData Master is approaching.
Are you planning to participate?
Do you have questions about how it works, the prerequisites, the attendance or the partners?

Join us ad the Open Days for interacting with the staff and for clearing any doubts.
