Renza Campagni
Renza Campagni was born in Florence on 04/10/1962. She is a technician of data processing at the University of Florence, Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications. He holds a degree in mathematics in 1988 with the thesis Join algorithms based on Hash functions and a Ph.D. in Computer Science, research area Data Mining, in 2013 at the University of Florence. She is been a system engineer at Ing. C. Olivetti S.p.A. from october 1988 to 1999/06/30, then employee of the University of Florence in CSIAF (Center of IT Services at University of Florence) from 1999/07/01 to 2012/12/31, then at DiSIA (Department of Statistics, Computer Science, Applications), as a data processing technician. She currently has positions in support of research (area of Data Mining) and in teaching at DiSIA for degree courses of Statistics and Computer Science.