


Daniele Fadda, nato a Milano 5-10-81, si laurea in Communication Design presso il Laboratorio Density Design del Politecnico di Milano nel 2010. Attualmente svolge la libera professione occupandosi prevalentemente di progetti di promozione e storytelling territoriale (nei comuni di Pisa e Città della Pieve - PG). Si è occupato di rappresentazione visiva di sistemi complessi e di visualizzazione di dati riguardanti soprattutto le infrastrutture per i trasporti e ha collaborato con diversi studi di architettura come consulente per la comunicazione. Nel tempo libero collabora come responsabile grafico con la redazione di Seconda Cronaca.


Pietro Giuffrida


Pietro Giuffrida (Vicenza 1982) ha lavorato dal 2006 presso diverse aziende svolgendo attività quali: gestione della tracciabilità, calcolo del costo industriale e del prezzo medio, programmazione di report scheudlizzati per la valutazione dell'andamento aziendale. I principali strumenti utilizzati nel corso dell'esperienza lavorativa sono python, SQL (vari dialetti), excel, oltre ai vari software più comuni. Buon conoscitore di Debian GNU-Linux, sviluppa applicazioni di vario genere orientate al trattamento dati come attività preliminare al decision making. Nel 2014 ha conseguito il dottorato di ricerca in filosofia.


Paolo Verdini


Paolo Verdini graduated with honours in Philosophy at the University of Pisa, Italy, where he also earned a Master's Degree in Philosophy, mainly dedicated to Mathematical Logic. His academic interests span from Model Theory to Applied Linguistics and Philosophy of Language, and he is also extremely fascinated by the potential residing in the developments of the semantic web and the implementation of natural language in a syntax­oriented environment (e.g. Speech recognition). A research proposal in Abstract Model Theory has recently granted him a full doctoral scholarship for studying at the Center for Logic, Language and Computation at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He has worked as Teacher of Italian Language (both in Italy and abroad), and he is currently Blog Editor and Electronic Entertainment Journalist at GameStop.it s.r.l., the Italian branch of GameStop Corp. He is also proficient in six different languages (including Mandarin and Japanese) and holds a Master Diploma in Storytelling and Creative Writing, obtained from Alessandro Baricco's Scuola Holden, placed in Turin, Italy


Fabio Santullo


Fabio Santullo holds a Bachelor degree in historical sciences from University of Pisa (2009) with a thesis entitled " A year of baptisms in Pisa 1557 " actively contributing to the project web "The baptisms of Pisa from 1457 to 1557" and in the same University holds Master degree in the history and civilization(2013) with a thesis entitled "The first Jesuit missionaries in Japan and the first Japanese embassy in Italy”. After some work experience in the world of teaching and administration both private and public, he decided to attend the master in Big Data and Social Mining to expand their knowledge in the world of Big Data.




Roberto Pavone, born in 1980, has obtained a degree in Architecture with a final vote of 110 cum laude / 110. His research in the recent years has focused on the visualization of Big Data related to urban and social phenomena. On a European scale, in the architectural field, through the ENSAPB of Paris and in particular the AA Architectural Association of London, he has developed parametrical approaches with scripts for the analysis and the form finding of urban configurations and buildings. In the field of Smart Cities he has investigated and developed methods for displaying the tracking of data related to the flow of people in urban areas.


Michela Natilli


Having pursuit a Master Degree in Statistics and Economics at the University of Siena she has collaborated with several universities such as the University of Siena, the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa, the University of Pisa. Activities focused both on classical themes of social statistics (such as poverty, immigration, tourism and health care) and on issues related to environmental sustainability and recycling, have constituted  her field expertise. Special attention has been paid to the quality of the data, to the possibility of comparison and integration of different sources and to the construction of synthetic indicators.


Mario Massimo Mazzarella


Mario Massimo Mazzarella, born in Rome on 29.09.1982. Master's degree in mathematics at Sapienza University of Rome, with a  thesis in data's sequence analysis “Similarity between texts with Burrows-Wheeler Transform”, and Erasmus at Royal Holloway University of London. Agesci chief scout from 2003 to 2007. Language: English, PET Certification. Programming language: C, C++, Python, SPARK, JavaScript, Matlab. 




Matteo Masotti is a data scientist at Enel Generation S.p.A., where he heads the Big Data & Hydro Diagnostic programs to improve power plants operations and maintenance performances. Prior to joining Enel Generation, he worked as data scientist within the Engineering and Research Division at Enel S.p.A.. He also previously served as project engineer at RSE (Ricerca sul Sistema Elettrico), a research centre that focuses on fossil and renewable power generation and forecast. Matteo holds an MSc in Physics and a Master of Meteorology. During his work experience, he focused on weather forecast computational modeling, data mining for customer segmentation, and predictive maintenance analytics.


Silvia Marrone


Silvia Marrone has a degree in Physics from University of Bari and is an expert in Business Analytics and database. She currently works in Oracle Italia as Senior Sales Consultant (pre-sales consultant) in the Business Analytics business unit and has to support Account Managers in qualifying customer business needs. Previously she was a Senior Consultant in the Advanced Customer Service business unit working at the leading market Telco and Media companies and she also was a Trainer at University business unit delivering courses on Oracle products. Earlier she worked at the universities of Bari, Rome and Trieste in experimental research.


Ludovico Mannheimer


Born in Milan on 20/01/1983, living in Milan. After a master degree in Social Sciences at the University of Milan he has his first experience in the world of data with working as junior researcher at Ipsos-MORI, in London. Once back in Italy, he started working at ISPO Ricerche as quantitative researcher, following opinion research projects in different areas, from culture to finance, becoming, in 2011, Head of the digital division, ISPO Click. Today, he is focused primarily on online research, taking care of all process: from the design and definition of the objectives to the data analysis and report production. He decided to attend the Master in Big Data Analysis and Data Mining because he believes the future of data analysis is the merging of traditional opinion polls with big data analysis, and will be increasingly necessary to master them both.



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