
Anastasia Bogomolova


I graduated in 2010 at the Ural Federal University of Ekaterinburg, Russia as Nuclear Engineer, with a specialization in Radiation Protection of Human and Environment. In my third year at university I became interested in economic disciplines, so I undergraduated in Economics and Business Administration, in parallel with the main course. After the graduation I started to work for the Russian federal enterprise «Rosatom», which is responsible for the whole cycle of treating and accounting radioactive waste. As an engineer of management and control, I was responsible for collecting data for the Russian Federation database of radioactive waste, with further use of these datasets for analysis and statistical studies.


Livio Stefanelli


After the laurea degree in Physics at the University of Pisa, I spent a short working period in Italy and in the United States followed by a long and interesting multidisciplinary experience abroad, mainly in Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands and France. This allowed me to participate to the ESA projects (European Space Agency) as well as in the research initiatives funded by the European Commission. Later, I worked as an official at the Directorate General Research of the European Commission and recently at the Representation of the Tuscany Region in Brussels as policy officer. This experience, developed in public and private sectors, give me the opportunity to appreciate the potential of Big Data that can be expressed in almost all fields of our knowledge paving the way to new rich entrepreneurial projects and to scientific cooperation at European level.

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