
Cornolti Marco

Research Assistant at the University of Pisa, where he got a Master's Degree and Ph.D. in Computer Science. He is part of the Advanced Algorithms and Applications (Acube Lab) research group. He had collaborations with Google, NEC and the University of Munich. His research interests span across Natural Language Understanding, the semantic representation of text, Information Retrieval and Information Extraction, plus anything in between.


Cintia Paolo

Born in Marsciano(PG), 4th november 1983. Actually i'm a Phd Student in Computer Science at the graduate studies school "G. Galilei" of Pisa. My main interests in researching are about mobility mining and location prediction. In 2006 I got my bachelor degree in Computer Science at university of Perugia, with thesis on "Parallels and distributed algorithms for resolution of propagation equations". In 2009 I got my master degree in Computer Science at university of Pisa, with thesis on "Map matching of gsm tracks with data mining technique"


Pratesi Francesca

Francesca Pratesi received the MS degree in computer science from Pisa University, Italy, in 2013. She is a PhD student at the Computer Science Department of University of Pisa since November 2013 and a member of the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Lab, a joint research group with the Information Science and Technology Institute of the National Research Council in Pisa. Her research interests include data mining, data privacy and spatio-temporal data analysis.


Baroni Alessandro

Alessandro Baroni was born in 1984 in Italy, and holds a Master Degree in Business Informatics (Computer Science). He is currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Science. His current research interests are in data mining and particularly in social science.


Maria Rosa Verrone


Laureata con lode in Mercati Finanziari, con tesi in “Crisi bancarie sistemiche: il caso dell’Islanda”, si avvicina allo studio dei modelli statistico/matematici applicati ai mercati finanziari. Durante il periodo di studi universitari, ha l’occasione, attraverso la conduzione di indagini sociali periodiche, organizzate dall’ISTAT, di apprezzare l’importanza dell’analisi dei dati come strumento per conoscere la struttura della società. Dopo la laurea, lavora come analista, per più di due anni, in una multinazionale americana nel settore del credito, nell’ambito marketing e sales. La formazione accademica e l’esperienza lavorativa hanno costituito l’humus ideale per coltivare l’interesse verso l’affascinante mondo dei big data nella ricerca ed interpretazione di dati significativi  per le  scelte strategiche di aziende ed istituzioni.


Massimiliano Davì


After graduating in philosophy of knowledge and communication, Massimiliano obtained a doctoral degree in Philosophy from the University Paris 1 Phanthéon Sorbonne and the University of Palermo with his research on Wittgenstein's logic and grammar of ordinary language. Thereafter he decided, as a computer enthusiast, he thereafter enrolled in a post- graduate Master on Big Data, driven by his interest in Machine Learning, Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. 


Stefano Lonati


Stefano nasce a Milano nel 1986 e, da sempre alla ricerca di uno strumento per comprendere meglio la realtà che lo circonda, è convinto di aver trovato un potente alleato nell'analisi dei dati, che ha scoperto durante gli studi di laurea magistrale in Economia, Politica ed Istituzioni Internazionali. Dopo aver conseguito la laurea con il massimo dei voti grazie ad una tesi sperimentale sull'uso dei metodi di data mining applicati ai contesti didattici, Stefano lavora un anno in un progetto di cooperazione internazionale a Livingstone (Zambia), dove scopre con piacere che ciò che ha studiato sui libri gli è di grande aiuto per orientarsi e per comprendere una società così distante dalla sua.
Una volta rientrato in Italia, in attesa di perfezionare i suoi studi in analisi dei dati, Stefano lavora come assistente di direzione in una start-up e scopre le piccole gioie, le frustrazioni, l'impegno e la determinazione necessari per creare una nuova impresa.



Amelia Morricone


Amelia graduated with honors in Economics at Roma Tre University and obtained a master degree in Innovation Management and Service Engineering from Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies. She has been working as an analyst within a client-focused business so far and she has decided to better off her quantitative and computing skills to support with confidence data-driven companies. Amelia takes great satisfaction from providing context to brillant ideas, sharing knowledge and using learning to improve.


Alice Giorgio


Alice Giorgio was born in Potenza in 1987 and obtained a Master of Science Degree in Economics and Management of Public Administration and International Institutions (Bocconi University, 2012) with a thesis entitled “The natural resource curse: empirical analysis of Basilicata case”. During her formation, she studied public management and strategy, analysis of industrial and local development policies, policy evaluation and project management. Prior to joining Enrico Mattei Eni Foundation (FEEM) in June 2012, she experienced an internship at the “United Nations Joint Programme for Youth Employment and Migration” in Tirana, Albania. During this experience she also participated in the organization of training programs supporting Albanian top public management bodies in the introduction of data and data analysis into policy processes. In collaboration with FEEM she deals with both theoretical and applied research projects and support activities for the public and private sectors on issues related to local development.



Angela Italiano


Angela Italiano has carried out her first university studies in "Computer Science" at the University of Pisa (2009). After an internship at CapGemini S.p.A. se has pursued her studies at the "Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna" and University of Pisa with a master degree in "Computer Science and Networking" ( 2012). She is currently working  ENEL Engineering and Research Department , She joined in Enel in 2014.Before Enel she worked as researcher in the National Council of Researcher on projects ranging from design and development of Web Application, design, management and development of Web Service in a grid computing infrastructure . In Enel, she has worked as data scientist and IT specialist  in the areas of power generation. Her activities are focused also on  design and analyze efficient solution of problems process covering all the following activities: requirement gathering, solution design, build guidance, testing and also technological scouting to identify the best technical solution available in the market. https://it.linkedin.com/in/angelaitaliano



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